
At the June 10, 2019 BOE meeting, the following prices were set for school meals and fees:

K-12 -- $1.50K-Grade 6 -- $2.50
Adult -- $2.20Grade 7-12 -- $2.60

Adult -- $3.75
Milk per carton - .50 cents
Extra entrée -- $1.75

STUDENT FEES Maximum of $125/Family

Pre K-Grade 2 Textbook Fees - $25.00/Student

Grades 3-12 Technology Fees - $50.00/Student

HS Course Fees (no changes)

$10/Semester/Course only for the courses below

-Advanced Materials Technology

-Ag Mechanics

-Ag Welding I

-Ag Welding II

-Comprehensive Creative Art

-Culinary Essentials

-Introduction to Drawing and Design

-Nutrition and Wellness

-Woodworking Fabrication

-Woodworking Principles

Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch prices do not pay textbook or technology fees.  ALL students who take the above listed courses, regardless of economic status, pay the $10 per course, per semester fee.