WCHS Senior Spotlight April 23 - Kody Helms!
This Friday!
Congratulations to Ashley - WCHS Yearbook Senior Spotlight April 22. Wondering if you got a yearbook? Contact Mrs. Toole. Otherwise, order yours today!
Tomorrow is Earth Day and since K-6 students won’t be able to have our “Trashion Show”, my five grandkids wanted to show the kids at home something fun you can make with trash! Give it a try and share your pictures!
WCHS Senior Spotlight April 21, 2020
Current 8-11th grades: Ruby Red tryout sign ups are NOW! Fill out the google form below and find the information letter in the weekly widget.
WCHS Yearbook Senior Spotlight Monday April 20 - Don't forget to get your 2020 yearbook!
2020-21 Immunization Guidelines
WCHS Yearbook Senior Spotlight April 19, 2020.
WCHS Yearbook is pleased to bring you the first of our daily Senior Spotlights. These are taken right from this year's yearbook - make sure to get yours ordered - only $45... send money to the school ATTN: Yearbook and tell us who it is for! Congratulations Seniors!
Menus for April 20-24
Last Friday, every USD108 student and students on the lunch routes received Easter eggs compliments of the Washington Chamber of Commerce. Each student received 4 eggs and a personalized note from their teacher. Many hands made this possible from labeling bags, stuffing, sorting into routes and actual delivery. Thank you to Lisa Ouellette, Elizabeth Romeiser, Tiffany Wyatt, Vicki Enyart, Teryl Goeckel, Cindy Heuer, Sonja Frager, Dave Navinsky, Amy Hoover, Joy McClure, Tina Savage, Fallon Craig, Donna Hobbs, Brenda Nelson, Jill Keesecker, Staci Peters, Brock Funke, Erin Toole, Diana Cecrle, Annie Yungeberg, Janel Peterson, Michelle Bruna, bus drivers and lunch staff.
FBLA State Conference results. Although we could not have our face-to-face conference, pre-judged events have results. Congratulations to the following students.
3rd Place Business Plan-Coy Stamm, Tyler Nelson & Joel Hoover
3rd Place Mr. Future Business Leader - Sean Bruna
4th Place Database Design - Sean Bruna
7th Place National Who's Who - Sean Bruna
2nd Place Publication Design-Addi Mann
6th Place Spreadsheet Applications - Kirsten Ouellette
7th Place Website Design - Emily Jones & Coy Stamm
7th Place Word Processing - Emily Jones
Anyone who placed 1st - 4th have qualified to attend the National Leadership Conference in Salt Lake City this summer! (if it is held)
Washington County Head Start.
Do you have a child who will be 4 years old before August 31st and would like them to attend USD 108 Preschool?
The Junior Senior After Prom plant pick up is Sunday April 26th. We will be contacting you in the next week to schedule your pick up. We will have some extra hanging baskets and individual plants for sale that day also. So if you missed out on ordering, you're in luck!
Suicide Prevention
Grief Support for Parents and Students
Crisis Support List
To our students, please see the school’s website for information regarding grief.
Counseling will be available via
a. Zoom – small groups or individuals (parents and students)
b. In person – Contact Mrs. Goeckel for more information on how to schedule 785-747-8327 (student and parent if desired)
c. You may also contact Ms. Enyart 620-734-3209, Tiffany Wyatt 785-541-0771, and Jay Kearn 785-541-1250, Brock Funke 785-541-1097, Bobby Smith 785-541-0417
Please reach out, whether you think you need to or not, you’re not bothering anyone. We are in this with you and for you, and we love you.