The USD 108 Board of Education recognized Michelle Bruna for being named Local FBLA Advisor of the Year. Congratulations!! Well deserved honor.
USD 108 is seeking applications for a Non-Licensed Tradesman. This is a 40 hour/week job all year. Contact Dan at 785-325-2261x249 with questions. Deadline is June 7 2019
More information:
Congrats to Octavien on completing the Tiger Marathon!
Congrats to Octavien for completing the Tiger Marathon!
Washington County Schools USD 108 has TWO openings for Elementary Teacher Aides for the 2019-2020 school year. Contact Amy Hoover at 785-325-2261x2 with questions. Position is open until filled. EOE
More information:
Washington County FFA Chapter Banquet - Wednesday, May 15th at 7:00pm in High School Gym. FFA Members and parents, Faculty and Staff, School Board Members, and FFA Alumni Members are invited to attend. Meal begins at 7:00pm!
FFA Plant Sale - Tuesday, 5/14//2019 from 3:30pm until doors close at 6:45pm - right before 8th Grade Graduation! All plants are marked down, we have several hanging baskets, planter flowers and foliage plants in a wide variety of colors, Tomatoes and Peppers
Mrs. Bruna's computer applications class passed the Microsoft Office Specialist certification tests in Word 2016 and PowerPoint 2016. These are industry standard tests highlighting skills the girls learned in class.
If your elementary student received a book return notice that said that the book or replacement money was due today, (Monday), please make sure you get the book or the money sent with them on Tuesday. I am needing to inventory the books ASAP. Thank you, Mrs. Nelson
LaCross visits Mrs. Rundle’s 2nd Grade!
Here’s a big “Thank You” to Austin Wurtz for donating books to the elementary library!
This Thursday is our cookout and Tiger Relays. We are asking anyone who is eating at the cookout to reserve your spot by this Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. You can call the office at 785-325-2261, ext 2. The cost of the meal is $3.50. The cookout will be on the elementary playground. The Kindergarten, first, and second grade students will be eating at 11:00 and the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students will be eating at 11:30 on Thursday. If you do plan to eat at the cookout, you may bring a blanket to sit on. If you are unable to sit on the ground, there will be foldout chairs available. Tiger Relays will start at 12:30 p.m. Hope to see you Thursday.
Attention incoming and current Kindergarten parents: Incoming Kindergarten students will visit our school from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. this Monday (May 13th). The current Kindergarten students need to arrive at 12:00 (already fed lunch) and will have their field trip.
More dissecting in 4th grade
Dissecting owl pellets in 4th grade!
Thank you to the USD 108 Board of Education for the “sweet” snack bag for Staff Appreciation Week!!
Third graders worked to design a business product and invited second graders to market day.
4th graders dressed up as their favorite teachers Wednesday!
Thank you USD 108 Booster Club for the pop and trail mix for staff appreciation week.
Third graders dressed as their favorite teachers in honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week. They loved dressing like their teachers.