Jr. High football practice is cancelled for tonight...Tuesday Oct. 9th

In 4th grade library class, we have been discussing gender bias and stereotypes. We found that even at their young age, those biases were already there.


Here’s a big “Thank You” to student, Parker Winslow, for donating books to the elementary library!

The FCCLA assembled chemo care bags for the Manhattan Cancer Center. They included hand sanitizer, gum, snacks, lip balm, lotion, tissues, and an inspirational note.

North East Area State FFA Land and Homesite Evaluation: Washington County FFA finished as the Second Place Team in the State Homesite Evaluation & as the Third Place Team in the State Land Judging. Team members - Alyssa Kern, Nina Kern, Trever Grace, and Jack Gilliam.

4th graders get a chance to act out our play we've been working with all week.

7th Graders studying on Quizlet...parents check it out...great web site to practice vocab...very easy to use!

There will be a self defense course on Monday October 8 at the high school from 6-8:30 pm. The cost is $20 payable at the door. The class limit is 24 so please call the school to reserve a spot. Refreshments will be provided. All are welcome to take advantage of this opportunity.

The after prom committee is having a bake sale fundraiser during the health fair on Saturday October 6th. We are asking parents of all the junior and senior students to provide items for the bake sale. Please have your bake sale items in the high school office before 5pm on Friday October 5th. If you have questions or need your baked goods picked up please contact Michele at (785) 629-0059.

Dr. Bentz visited the second grade today and talk to them about the importance of Math & handwriting in their future jobs. Thank you Dr. Bentz!

Dr Bentz visited second grade today! He talked about animals, being a vet, and the importance of math and handwriting in his job.

Physics students test projectile motion calculations. The science was reliable, the testing...not so much. The gym was not big enough for two of the launch conditions (45 and 60 degrees) but the 30 degree launch did work. Well done class!

Jr. High VB @Axtell today.
Order of games:
4:00-C team
5:00-B team
6:00-A team
Go Tigers!!!!

October birthday lunch today.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month and our own “Be Tiger Strong” theme is RESPECT, so these both fit right in with the Gender Stereotype/Equality discussions that we have been having in the elementary library. Our K-6th grade students are reading and discussing books that cover these issues. They have started out with Robert Munich’s “The Paper Bag Princess”, where they have learned that a princess doesn’t always need a prince to come save her...sometimes, she can do it all by herself!

High School JV Volleyball Quad Sat 10/6 in Washington

September’s characteristic to “Be . . . Tiger Strong” was being a leader. On Friday, September 28th students who have shown great leadership qualities were recognized by their teachers.

HS Volleyball at Linn 10/2- Schedule
Court A = new gym & Court B = old gym
4pm-Ct A- Linn vs Wash. Co. (JV)
5pm-Ct A-Linn vs Cent. (V)
5pm-Ct B-Centralia vs Wash. Co. (JV)
6pm-Ct A-Centralia vs Wash. Co. (V)
6pm-Ct B-Linn vs Cent. (JV)
7:00-Ct A-Linn vs Wash Co. (V)