Mark your calendars

Even more Water Fun!!

Water Fun at PowerZone!!

FCCLA Take Home Meals

What an awesome way to start the summer! Children eating breakfast at the free summer meal program at the East elementary before they go to PowerZone.

Dr. Seuss Week Fun!

Dr. Seuss Week-Sheriff Cordry read to Mrs. Gauby's 1st Grade class.

TIGER AWARDS - This week’s awards were given on Pajama Day during Dr. Seuss week. Awardees are: Gavyn LeDuc, Kendal Tegethoff, Leslye Martinez and Josi Sanchez. Congratulations!!
The Teachers at Washington Elementary - East Building (4th - 6th Grades) present "Tiger Awards" to 4th, 5th & 6th grade students who have shown positive behavior to their teachers, other students and in their schoolwork. The certificates are awarded on Fridays at an assembly of the upper elementary classes.

Update: This User has been adjusted. Check out this sweet Mascot icon!