WC JH/HS Parents & Students. Attached is the Learning Plan for students moving forward. Please read over the document and keep checking your email for more details. We are in this together! #tigerstrong https://5il.co/e5yi Spanish version: https://5il.co/e5yj
almost 5 years ago, USD 108
Mr. Brock Funke doing a great job leading the troops!
almost 5 years ago, Jay Kearn
Zooming Staff Meeting
Parents of Elementary Students - The elementary team is developing a learning plan that will start on Monday, March 30th. Amy Hoover will be sharing a document (email, school website, and Facebook) later today to help you get started. The learning plan structure will be shared over the weekend after it is approved by the school board on Friday night.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Hoover
Here is a great reminder, especially the second item.
almost 5 years ago, Tina Savage
Twitter share
All USD 108 7-12 grade will need to download the ZOOM app before Monday morning...go to www.zoom.com...
almost 5 years ago, Jay Kearn
USD 108 Parents...Please make sure your kids are checking their emails on a regular basis! Starting Monday 3/30/20 we will be starting our online learning! This is going to be new for all of us...have grace, be open to new things, and relax! 😎 See you all on ZOOM Monday morning!
almost 5 years ago, Jay Kearn
As our staff is making plans this week to continue your child's education via distance learning format starting next week, please keep this in mind.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Hoover
Sorry I left off Washington in the pick up of elementary supplies in the previous message. Those students who live in the town of Washington will pick up at the district office between 11:00 a.m. and noon. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Hoover
Important Notice for Elementary Student Parents: We are changing our drop off of supplies to tomorrow Tuesday, March 24th. All students who live on a bus route will have supplies delivered to their homes sometime between 10:45 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.,. For those students who live in Greenleaf, Haddam, or Morrowville you can pick up your supplies from the lunch spots at the assigned lunch times. We will be delivering technology devices with supplies. Please remember these devices are school property and school monitored. You can have someone pick up your supplies for you if needed. Please let Amy Hoover (ahoover@usd108.org) know as soon as possible if you will not be home or are unavailable to pick up.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Hoover
Elementary School Parents - The plan to get technology devices, school supplies, and student items to elementary students is to have them available at the lunch spot drop offs in the different towns and deliver them by bus route to those living in the country. We plan to do this next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (3/25, 3/26, 3/27). Please email ahoover@usd108.org if you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Hoover
WC Junior High and High School - Student Item Pick-Up Saturday, 3/21/20 9AM - 11AM Enter south drive way, proceed north along the sidewalk. All personal items have been collected, bagged and labeled for you. A teacher will bring your items out to you! Stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, Vicki Enyart
Washington County mass gathering and restaurant restrictions resolution. This was passed by the Washington County Commissioners today. Please stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ouellette
resolution 08-2020
Resolution 08-2020
Resolution 08-2020
Please take the time to fill out this survey before 8am Monay March 23. Only one response per family. This will assist us in planning for your child's education for the rest of this school year. Thank You https://forms.gle/xkdYHpkP19qq3uTBA
almost 5 years ago, USD 108
With a sad heart, I wanted to tell you the 2020 FBLA State Leadership Conference has been officially cancelled. Events that had a prejudged component will have results & those top 4 placers qualify for Nationals. At this moment, we know Addi Mann placed 2nd in Publication Design! Congratulations Addi! I will post more results as they come in over the next week. I hope the underclassmen still join FBLA next year. This has just been a unique year.~Mrs. Bruna
almost 5 years ago, Michelle Bruna
Here's a handy tool to help with any symptoms you might be experiencing. Keep up with social distancing, hand washing, cough or sneeze into your elbow or tissue, drink plenty of fluids!
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Ouellette
symptom chart
Tuesday's Photo Challenge Winner - Happy Place - Jenae and Wednesday's Photo Challenge Winner - Nature - Abi. Don't forget today's challenge is Looking Up!!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Toole
Miss Vicki was having a little fun at the Washington food pick-up site today! Meals are FREE for all children 1-18 years old. I helps with meal planning if you call 785-325-2261x3 or email lunch@usd108.org and let us know you want a meal. TIGER Strong!
almost 5 years ago, USD 108
Will work for 2 ply
Hey, all! Getting stir crazy yet? Watch The Infinity Project Facebook page for all kinds of fun to-dos, things to learn, and if nothing else, interesting and entertaining videos!
almost 5 years ago, Kaitie Wenzl
4th Graders recently finished their parodies of Edvard Munch's the scream like this one by Nora - see them all here: https://www.artsonia.com/museum/gallery.asp?project=1945171
almost 5 years ago, Erin Toole
The recent events have changed all of our plans. My K-6 students had been learning about Reducing, Reusing, and .Recycling. We had planned on having a “Trashion Show” and modeling styles made from trash. The students were getting excited about doing this. We will do it next year, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a “Trashion Show” at home! Collect items that would be thrown out and then design your own fashions made with paper, chip bags, whatever you can find. Get creative and please post your photos on Facebook! I would love to see how my kiddos are being creative! And don’t forget to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
almost 5 years ago, Brenda Nelson
Trashion Show